July 8, 2022
2 min

Simon's BMW races to the top

After spontaneously to moving to Durban, Simon bought a trusty BMW 1 Series to zoot around the vibrant Umhlanga village in. This was a car he had driven for many years, back when was living in the UK and he knew the make and model well.

As an avid surfer and scuba diving instructor Simon quickly learned that his trusty 1 Series wasn't really suiting his laid-back life in the sunshine province. He knew he needed to find a car big enough for his surfboard but still agile enough to get around the narrow beach roads of his new hometown.

With his eyes set on a specific car that would tick the above boxes, he realised that a bigger car meant a big jump in price and so he needed to be sure to get the most from the sale of his car. Simon had expected R300,000 for his BMW.

Simon set a starting bid of R270,000, his car was on auction for just 3 days and it received a total of 19 bids.

The final results

Simon’s said 'yes' at R306,000, and sold for 121.91% of trade price.

Now Simon can be found crusin' around town in better suited car allowing him to be free to explore the beautiful coastline that South Africa has to offer.

"I was blown away with the speed and service from CarFling as a whole. I sold my car on auction in three days, for more than I expected"

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